Abandoned DeLorean Discovered |
1/21/2025 - While over the years we've seen people discover deserted DMC's, such as this one in Alaska, very rarely do they appear in near perfect condition. This one, found while a couple of guys walked through an empty LA mansion, that used to belong to Mary J. Blige, appears to just need a dusting to get out and drive. We also appreciate that the car includes one of our Stainless DMC Shift Knobs. The whole video can be found here. Go forward to 6:55 to get to the car. |
6/10/22 Bars are Back In Stock |
After a long wait from our supplier, The torsion bars are back in stock.Torsion Bars |
John DeLorean's Banshee Concept |
4/23/2020 - In the early 60's a team of engineers & designers at GM, lead by John DeLorean put together a concept to compete with the Ford Mustang. While this car never made it into production, it heavily inspired the next generation Corvette. One of the surviving Banshee concept cars is now for sale.
More info on this and the 4 other Pontiac Banshee Concept Cars.
Stainless Suprise |
8/28/16 - A little girl was just happy to see a DeLorean in person and get her picture taken with it. What happens next is truly heartwarming. Suprise!
[Source: Jalopnik ]
80's Style |
4/8/15 - A graphic designer/animator showed off their skills by developing an animation that combines a bit of tron mixed with a fantastic Delorean crusing through a smokey neon city. While a few creative changes were made to the car (animated guage cluster), but it all meshes really well together. DeLorean Video
[Source: Fubiz ]
Built in Michigan |
3/16/15 - While the production version of the DMC-12 would end up being built in Ireleand, the concept of the production vehicle was hand formed and assembled in Fraser, Michigan. A nice article appeared in the Detroit Freepress telling the story of the craftsmen who built this car. DeLorean Prototype
[Source: Detroit Freepress]
Solid Gold. |
3/11/14 - It's 1981. Your company comes out with a new "gold" credit card. How do you promote the new card? Naturally, you gold plate a DeLorean or two. The orignal plans were to produce 100 of these, but only 3 are known to exist. One of these promotional vehicles can be viewed at The Peterson Auto Museum in Los Angeles.
[Source: Belfast Telegraph & Los Angeles Magazine]
Patrick |
6/23/13 - Nobody puts baby in the corner, but someone put Swayze in a DeLorean! He actually purchased the car after first making it big in Hollywood. His wife still owns the car. Credit to the guys on DMCtalk for finding the picture!
[Source: DMCTALK]
DeLorean vs. Bricklin |
3/28/13 - While you are on a site dedicated to the DeLorean, what about our other gullwing friend. The Bricklin draws many comparisons to the DeLorean; Newly formed car companies, produced in unique countries(Ireland & Canada), and both use exotic materials for exteriors. Which do most people prefer? The guys at Jalopnik have posted this question to their readers.
DeLorean or Bricklin?
[Source: Jalopnik]
Do we Pop the Top? |
3/25/11 - We've had a looong winter here in Michigan. Last weekend I was finally able to get the DeLorean out after her 3 month hibernation. I was inspired to create a new product. It's a DeLorean Dog Tag Necklace. Made in stainless steel of course. The question is, do we make production run of these to sell? Did I mention it doubles as a bottle opener? Let us know what you think.
4/20/11 **UPDATE** We are making a limited run of these as Personalized Key Chains. But we need enough orders to make it happen. Get your order in today!
4/29/11 **UPDATE** Sold Out!!
Detroit's Abandoned Race Track |
9/24/10 - Today we decided to go and do some urban exploring. Just south of 8 mile, and hidden in an overgrown park sits a Velodrome. While originally used to race bicycles, it's banked curves are now wrapped with large cracks and graffiti. A perfect setting for a photoshoot in the D.
[More Pictures]
New Shirts! |
Artwork Section Added |
7/8/10 - We now have more than just stainless parts and t-shirts! The artwork can be ordered as posters or even on canvas. Many sizes available. Click the link below.
6/25/10 -We first showed these 2 shirts off at DCS Kentukcy. Now they are availible online. Go to our Clothing Page to see more details about these shirts.
Picture Perfect. |
6/23/10 -While we were working our vendor booth for some of the show, we still had free time to cruise around and get some shots of all the great cars. With so much stainless, I'm sure we heated up Kentucky an extra couple degrees. Also great to see the Bricklins, the movie cars, and the new SLS Gullwing.
[More Pictures]